Your new favorite Brewery is located in St. Louis, Missouri
If you have recently found yourself looking for a new beer to drink and a new brewery to support then you are in luck! Because one of the best breweries in the US is in St. Louis, and you probably haven't heard of them before...
Allow me to introduce you to Side Project Brewing Company in St. Louis, they were recently named one of the 20 Best Breweries in the US according to Side project ranked 14th on the list and is the only one on the list from Missouri, which did surprise me considering how many great breweries there are in Missouri. Why is Side Project Brewing Company so special? On the site they say...
"Almost all of the beer put out is barrel-aged, which the brewery has been doing before it became popular and trendy in the United States. They will likely continue to do the same thing even after the craft beer scene moves on to another trend. We love and respect a brewery that doesn't simply follow trends, the folks there follow what their taste buds want to drink...Founders Cory and Karen first started brewing beer in their small apartment (no word as to if apartment management was cool with that) and then moved to St. Louis in 2007."
If you go to the website of Side Project Brewing Company you can see a list of their beer offerings including the Nirto Lyle's Porter, the Provence Darjeeling Vanilla, the Emerald Cuts, and more! If you are looking for a real unique beer that is crafted and something you can't find at a gas station then this is your place!