Cryptocurrency may well be a vital part of all of our futures, but right now it's at the heart of a job scam that the FBI is warning Missourians about involving potential employment.
Winter, summer, spring, fall, you name it, there's one item we should always keep in our car that we never thought could be the lifeline we needed to get us out of a sticky situation.
This is a case where procrastination could really cost you. There are two people in Missouri that have won $50,000, but are running out of time to claim their big money prizes.
It was a close encounter of the worst kind. Seven friends walking through the deep woods of Missouri smelled something odd and then saw a humongous creature observing them from behind a tree and one has come forward to tell their story.
The good news is this won't last long. The bad news is it will be brutally cold while it does. Dozens of Illinois places should plan now to expect to experience -20 below wind chills early Tuesday morning.