Test Your Strength Holding Beer!
Oktoberfest in Hannibal this weekend is holding "German Steinholding Competitions"
You can win a beer this weekend and bragging rights at the German Steinholding Competitions in Downtown Hannibal's Oktoberfest this weekend. Each beer that you have to hold longer then your opponents weighs about 5 lbs, 1 liter of beer. You have to hold it straight in front of you at shoulder level on the events Facebook page it says...
"You must maintain good form! No beer spilled. No bendy elbows. And extended arms must be kept parallel to the ground. The winner is the person who can keep their stein aloft the longest. Steinholding competitions will be held every hour from 11:30-8:30 on Saturday on Main Street behind the Hill Street Stage. All Saturday winners will be invited back for Steinholding Finals on Sunday at 2pm. $5 contest entry. Winner of each round gets a free beer. All proceeds to benefit Access to Healing and Wellness."
Good luck to all the competitors this weekend, it sounds like a real test of strength and a lot of fun! For more information on the Rotary of Hannibal's Oktoberfest click here!