With increasing food costs eating (no pun intended) more of the monthly budget, many are looking for food source alternatives.

The back yard is becoming an increasingly popular place to turn for growing fruits and vegetables.

One of the heartiest growers that can produce for you with little extra help is the Jerusalem artichoke.

Youtube - SageSmokeSurvival/Canva
Youtube - SageSmokeSurvival/Canva

Native to North America but grown around the world the Jerusalem artichoke isn’t an artichoke at all. It’s a tuber, like ginger root or potatoes, and a member of the sunflower family, sometimes referred to as the “Sunchoke” the Jerusalem artichoke can be consumed in many ways.

Raw – out of the ground, washed and sliced. Nice addition to salads.

Pickled – sliced thinly and placed in water-vinegar brine with other spices and sugar.

Cooked – You can roast them with black pepper, olive oil and thyme and a little salt.

Steamed, Boiled, Mashed and Pureed for soup or sauce for pasta there are many ways to enjoy your homegrown Jerusalem Artichokes.

Youtube - Eat Simple Food/Canva
Youtube - Eat Simple Food/Canva

Jerusalem Artichokes are low maintenance, easy to grow and great for gardening beginners. Loaded with iron and fiber, potassium and vitamin B1, they are sweet and nutty in flavor (when cooked).

Keep your Jerusalem artichokes away from your other plants. They grow aggressively and tall and can block the sun from getting to other crops/plants in your yard.

Finally, Jerusalem artichokes can make some EXTRA gassy, but are good for your intestinal bacteria. Cook with lemon juice to reduce excessive gas.

This fall find a friend who has some of these tubers, or buy some from the store to try and see if this power packed food could be right for your family, home and table.

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