Illinois Makes Top 20 for Best State To Live In
Wait, what?
I was surprised when I looked at Wallethub's list for best states to live in and found that Illinois is number 18, outranking Missouri (which lands at number 31), for the best state to live in. They determined the best states to live in on 52 factors including cost of living, income growth, education rate and the quality of hospitals. So, a lot was taken into account when the list was put together. The map shows all the findings from the website, and if you're thinking about moving to a different state, you might want to take a sneak peek at
Illinois has the most restaurants per capita, and not ranked as one of the lowest or even highest crime rate states. Missouri is not on those lists either. The experts on Wallhub's website say when you are looking for a new place to live in, especially a new state, that you need to take into consideration popularity of the state, financial factors on where to live in the state, and state policymakers. I know when we were looking for a new home, we thought about moving out of Illinois, but it would have been a nightmare to get to work in Quincy early in the morning, so for us it was convenience and location. Plus, my girls want to be a Quincy Blue Devil.
Thankfully for all of us, there are 50 states to choose from, I wonder if one of the 52 factors was weather, Because I can tell you this, that this momma is not living in -20-degree weather for months, humidity year-round, and sky-high temperatures. I'm a delicate flower...LOL