This Illinois Cemetery is Home to the White Lady & Unholy Rituals
Many places in Illinois claim to be haunted, but few can claim as many paranormal happenings as Bachelor's Grove Cemetery. It is allegedly home to the "White Lady" and unholy rituals from secret groups.

I saw some of the weird goings on in Bachelor's Grove Cemetery in an article by Patch. They claim that visitors have seen a phantom dog, the "White Lady" and rampant grave robbery. It's also said that satanic groups still use the darker areas of the cemetery for late night ceremonies.
One paranormal group decided to investigate Bachelor's Grove recently and discovered a crazy amount of EVP phenomena with voices uttering words like..."it's evil", "prayer", "threat" and "fear".
NOTE: some NSFW language from a group that occasionally gets completely freaked out.
Bachelor's Grove Forever documents other legends that began in this cemetery including the "boyfriend's death". Dating back to the 1940's, it's the story of a couple in the cemetery who are parked sharing "affection" when the girl asks to be taken home. When the car won't start, he leaves to get help. When he doesn't return, the girl walks toward police officers she sees who warn her to not turn around. When she does, she sees her boyfriend hanging from the tree. Talk about dates gone wrong.
Wikipedia tells the story of the "white lady" who's often seen carrying an infant during a full moon. They also mention that there really have been reports of people wearing robes being seen in the cemetery late at night. Guessing that's not the chess club?
Other tales involve an alleged killer caretaker of the cemetery, a guy with a hooked arm, etc. You get the idea.
Say what you want about urban legends, but I dare you to find an Illinois location with more stories to tell than Bachelor's Grove.
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