It seems like most unidentified object sightings are typically small in size. That was not the case for an object just spotted over Joplin, Missouri that was described as being the size of a large house.
Like just about everyone that has ever driven on Highway 63 in Missouri, I've had many close encounters on that roadway, but never from the sky. New video shows a strange cigar-shaped UFO that appeared over Highway 63 near Vienna, Missouri.
Is E.T. phoning home? I'm asking this question because a bizarre orb has been captured on video over Skokie, Illinois and I can't figure out what exactly I'm seeing.
Professional UFO investigators decided to go to a hotspot in Missouri and attempt to summon an extraterrestrial. Their video shows that something seemed to answer when a red light appeared in the sky suddenly.
Something very strange just flew over Raytown, Missouri. A doorbell camera shows what looks like a translucent UFO slowly moving over Raytown, Missouri. The security video shows the object from 2 different perspectives.
It's not really unusual to see something strange in the sky that you can't explain. However, it's something else entirely when that encounter causes you to lost significant amounts of time that you can't remember. That's exactly what happened during an Illinois UFO encounter this summer.
It's one thing for a lone person to see an unidentified flying object. It's something else entirely when multiple people see something strange especially when they're all in different locations. That's exactly what happened in Missouri recently.
I think I know what a guy saw over Sikeston, Missouri recently. He doesn't. If I'm right, it's a planet. If he's right, it's a UFO. Either way, it completely freaked him out.
There was a recent video over Missouri that was strange even by UFO standards. Not only was it a bright spinning cube, but it was also hovering over a very unique location. Eyewitnesses claim it was over a Springfield "adult establishment". (*ahem*)