Local Quincy Couple Goes Viral on TikTok With Creative Disney Date Nights
A local Quincy couple has stepped up date nights, and everyone needs to watch this.
Brodie Mann and Kelsey Deters are counting down the weeks to their Disney honeymoon by creating Disney Date Nights on TikTok. The chose 20 Disney movies, 20 dinners to go with those movies, and 20 boxes wrapped in Disney wrapping paper with numbers on them. Each week they pick a number from a bowl, and that is the Disney Date Night Box they pick, and then cook the dinner and watch the movie that night.

For example, one night the date was a The Princess Diaries theme. The country the movie takes place in is Genovia which is famous for pears, so they made a pear salad, drank a pear drink, and eat grilled chicken and watched the movie. Their second date night surrounded the movie Johnny Tsunami, and as you can image there was a lot of pineapple and shrimp involved.
When asked what inspired doing these video's Brodie told me,
We're both fans of Disney Movies, spanning their whole catalog of animated, live action, Pixar, MCU, Star Wars. We actually saw another TikTok that did a similar version of this, but we expanded it to include cooking meals and a few have activities. Meals and activities both fit the theme of the film.
What a fun creative idea to do, and it can be a great family dinner idea. I know there are parents out there they hate thinking what to have for dinner, because all kids want to eat is chicken nuggets and mac-n-cheese. So, this is a great idea to get them involved with dinner and movies and have a fun family night.
So far there have been three date nights and their views for each night on TikTok are over 400,000 and growing. You can follow Kelsey and Brodie on TikTok, and their couple blog thedetermannsfirepit.com to see all their dates nights, and maybe inspire some of your own Disney Date Nights.
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