Your groceries could soon be tax free in the state of Illinois
Apparently, there is a proposal to eliminate the taxes on groceries in the state of Illinois, if it passes we could all soon see immediate savings on your next trip to the grocery store.

According to newschannel20.com Illinois may be doing away with taxing people on groceries. The article on the website states that Illinois Governor JB Pritzker is hoping for a 1-year suspension on the sales tax of groceries in Illinois, in the article they say...
"The state currently charges a 1% sales tax on groceries...That means if you spend $100 on groceries you'll save $1 if his budget is passed."
To read the entire article click here!
They go on to say in the article that the governor is also looking to put a hold on the scheduled gas tax increase in Illinois all part of his budget proposal for 2023.
Listen I know a 1% savings doesn't change much BUT it really is better than nothing, with the state of inflation in our country right now all our pocketbooks need as many breaks as they can get. I personally think this year-long suspension of the sales tax on groceries would be a good thing, especially if the governor is able to also delay a scheduled gas tax increase (don't get me started on how frustrating it is that Illinois has scheduled gas tax increases when we already have some of the highest gas taxes in the country) both of those things combined together could really help working-class families in Illinois. Do you think these tax suspensions and delays will actually get done?
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