Yes, a Goat Man Allegedly Guards a Missouri Cemetery
You have to love Missouri legends. It's almost as if we take regular legends which are already spectacular and add that additional special touch. This is a great example. It's the story of a Missouri cemetery that is allegedly guarded by a goat man.
Have you ever heard of the Goat Man of Rolla? Well, grab a chair and I'll share the tale with you. American Ghost Stories is one of the places where I've found documentation for this guardian specter...goat. Here's a snippet of what they have to say about this legend:
Legend has it that the Goat-Man was born to a witch who practiced satanism. She is supposedly buried in the cemetery as well. Strange, in human voices have been heard as well. People who don’t respect the cemetery have been known to leave the cemetery with burn marks on their clothes and scratch marks on their arms and legs.
The cemetery in question is the Pine Hill Cemetery near Rolla, Missouri. Missouri Ghosts mentioned a curious encounter from a lady named Liz. Here's what Liz said about her goat man episode:
My name is Liz and Iv'e been to Pine Hill Cemetery several times. The past time that I was there (4-15-06) it was shortly after it had gotten dark, and I was out there with a friend visiting another friends grave. We were standing next to my friends grave when I looked up and saw a man standing in blue-jean overalls chewing on a piece of hay.
I don't know about you, but if I see a man who looks like a goat chewing on hay, I'm leaving that cemetery immediately. The goat man wouldn't have to ask me twice.
There are numerous people near Rolla that claim to have seen red eyes, strange rushes of cold air through the cemetery and other phenomena that have made them believe the Missouri Goat Man is real. Check out Missouri Ghosts for more stories of this weird being.
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