This small town in the Tri-State area has a huge claim to fame, and I think it is something that needs to be celebrated!

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If you take out Chess, Checkers, and Backgammon, games that are very old, and been around for centuries, the greatest selling board game of all time is Monopoly. Monopoly is know throughout the world, and when it comes to board games to play with friends and family it is rightfully near the top of almost every ones list. But there would be no Monopoly if it wasn't for a a brilliant woman from a small town here in Illinois just 50 miles from Quincy.

According to in 1866 a women named Lizzie Magie was born in Macomb, Illinois, she went on to become a writer, a feminist, and a game designer...most notably designing the game called "The Landlord's Game" which is the precursor to the great Monopoly.

Now I don't want to spend hours talking about The Landlord's Game and how it became Monopoly, if you want to know that history click here! What I want to talk about is how Macomb needs to rebrand itself from just the town where Western Illinois University is to "Macomb: Birthplace of Monopoly" think of all the cool things Macomb could do! They could convert their town square to be the worlds largest Monopoly Board, they could host giant Monopoly games and tournaments, make t shirts, hats, and other cool collectible items!

This could be a way for Macomb to turn into a real travel destination, we are talking Monopoly, people are obsessed with it, there is money and tourism dollars to be made for sure. So what do you think? Should Macomb embrace this new identity?

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