A 15-year-old Missouri girl showed unbelievable bravery as a security camera showed her saving 2 toddlers she was babysitting from a sudden raging housefire and their dog, too.
If you want something done right, let a 9-year-old do it. That proved true recently as a girl from Aurora, Illinois was honored by her city for being a hero when she saved her mother's life.
When her mom suddenly went into an intense labor, a 10-year-old Missouri girl called 911. While she waited for paramedics to arrive, she miraculously successfully helped deliver her mother's baby. The other unique twist? Her name is Miracle.
A Missouri mom had just gotten up to change her daughter's diaper when she noticed that something was terribly wrong. She was having a problem breathing which could have taken her life, but a hero Missouri paramedic came to her rescue.
This could have been a tragedy. Instead, it's a day to honor a 15-year-old Illinois girl who's quick thinking during her mom's medical emergency while driving likely saved both of their lives.
He said he knew something was wrong when a student eating near him suddenly wasn't making any sounds. That's when this heroic Missouri 6th grader jumped into action using skills he had just been taught to save his friend who was choking.
Not all heroes wear capes. Some carry mail bags and deliver letters. That is true for one St. Louis mailman who was on his route and saw a 5-year-old boy and his dog in distress from flooding. He sprang into action and saved them both.
There is no greater love than being willing to sacrifice your life for others. One Midwest man lived that principle as he saved 6 people including 4 children from a home on fire while suffering serious injuries to himself.
Imagine this. You've just experienced a horrific train crash. What's the first thing you do? If you're this group of Boy Scouts, you spring to action and immediately begin helping those injured and in some cases killed. In other words, heroes.
The world uses the word "hero" to describe characters on movie screens. The word is really meant for people like a Missouri dad who saved 9 kids from a house fire recently while he was on fire himself.