These Hero Boy Scouts Helped Victims of the Amtrak Train Tragedy
Imagine this. You've just experienced a horrific train crash. What's the first thing you do? If you're this group of Boy Scouts, you spring to action and immediately begin helping those injured and in some cases killed. In other words, heroes.

TMJ4 shared the inspiring story of 16 Boy Scouts from Wisconsin who were returning home from a backpacking trip in New Mexico. They were accompanied by 8 adults. 3 scouts and 1 adult were hospitalized. Many around them were in much worse shape.
That's when one of the scouts, Elijah Skrypczak, went to where the train hit the dump truck and ended up providing comfort to the driver as he passed away.
The other scouts that weren't injured immediately began administering first aid and help those that were able to escape the wreckage to get to safety. KOLN confirmed this story and added that 2 of the Boy Scouts "played a major role" in rescue efforts.
WISN News in Wisconsin shared an interview with some of the scouts involved in the rescue efforts.
Amtrak is confirming reports from the Missouri Highway Patrol that 3 passengers and the dump truck driver lost their lives and dozens more were injured.
The Oxford Dictionary defines a hero as "a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities." That is the story of every single one of these Wisconsin Boy Scouts. Selfless and immediate action when confronted with tragedy is something you can't teach. You can only honor those who rise to the occasion and live it.
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