Super Secret Comedy Show at Spirit Knob Winery
The "Super Secret Comedy Show" is coming to Spirit Knob Winery!
Saturday, January 18th at the Spirit Knob Winery is the "Super Secret Comedy Show" a one night event to laugh and drink some delicious wine! The comedy show gets underway at 8 pm and goes until 9:30 pm, with tickets on sale in advance for only $15. On the events Facebook page they say...
"The North American Comedy Brewery Tour presents a unique night out featuring the finest that comedy has to offer, paired with Spirit Knob’s signature wines! We've hand-picked some of our favorite stand-up comics from around the country to perform secret, one-night-only shows at special venues across the country. Who do we have lined up? We're not saying, and you won't find out until they hit the stage. So take a chance, roll the dice, and join us for some serious laughs!"
This is the perfect Saturday "Date Night" event to attend! If you're interested in learning more about this event and if you want to BUY tickets click here!