Quincy University Football has canceled their upcoming Summer Camps, here is what you need to know...

As coronavirus cases continue to rise in the Tri-States and across the country, more and more Summer events are being canceled, this time it's the Quincy University Football Summer Camps.

The announcement was made on the quhawks.com website, they say...

"The Quincy University football program decided to regretfully cancel their upcoming summer camps at QU Stadium due to rising health concerns amid the COVID-19 pandemic and Illinois health guidelines...Three separate camps were set to take place this month including the football program's youth camp, team camp, and elite prospect camp. All three camps were scheduled for this weekend."

They go one to say that their are other programs across the country making similar decisions at the division 1 and division 2 levels, to read the full statement about the Football Camp cancellations click here!

Obviously this decision is not a shocking one, it is sad however that the coronavirus cases are continuing to spike and forcing decisions like this to be made. I remember playing football in high school and looking forward to going to camps in the summer, it was always so much fun to learn new things about the game, meet new people, make friends, and spend time playing the game that you love. Hopefully we can continue to slow the spread of the virus drastically over the next couple weeks and these kids will have the opportunity to play the game that they love.

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