Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight Over U.S.
Many, many moons ago, about 30 years worth of them, Halley's Comet passed by our solar system, leaving a very long trail of debris. A trail so long, tonight's Eta Aquarids meteor shower is part of it. The ideal location for seeing the meteor shower would be along the Gulf coast, we in Quincy and Hannibal unfortunately are along the furthest edge of visibility, we'll be lucky to see even a handful.
However, there are a few opportunities to see these and other celestial opportunities. Space.com says chances are favorable for seeing what's known as "Earthgrazers" which skim along the surface of our atmosphere, like a pebble on a pond. And the good folks at Slooh will have a live stream of the meteor shower over at their website. The stream starts at 7pm Central time.
No matter how you watch it, it's a good way to pass the time while waiting for Halley's Comet to pass by again in 45 years!