Marion County Fair Full Schedule
The Marion County Fair begins this Saturday, July 31st and we have your full schedule breakdown so you don't miss a thing!

Thanks to the great people at showmepalmyra.com we have the full schedule for you to break down this years 2021 Marion County Fair. The general information you need to know is that the fair is from this Saturday, July 31st and goes through next Saturday, August 7th, the fair is completely free to enter for kids 6 and under, and only $1 for everyone else to enter. But if you want to enter the arena for the entertainment the cost varies depending on day, and event, anywhere from $5 to $20. ARM BAND days are Tuesday through Saturday, with times being 6pm to 10pm for $20 in advance or $25 day of. Here is the schedule according to showmepalmyra.com.
Saturday, July 31st 10:00 AM Marion County Parade (Meet at High School parking lot. 11:00 AM. KC’s BBQ- Courthouse Lawn. 11:30 AM Sesqui Building set-up-following the parade. 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Registration for Car Show- Show starts at Noon- at the first pavilion by the tennis courts. 1:00 PM Air Rifle/Pistol (BB/Pellet) Small Bore .22 Rifle/Pistol/Muzzle Loading Contest at Flower City Park. 2:00 PM. Car Show Awards 4:30 PM. Junior Miss 7-11-year-old Junior Miss 12-15-year-old 5:30 PM. Crowning of Marion Co. Queen 7:00 PM. Tate Shade Memorial Bull Bash- Arena.
Sunday, August 1st 2:00 PM Exhibit Interview Judging in Sesqui Building. 5:00 PM Club Exhibit Set-up in Sesqui building. 7:00 PM Church Night at the Fair-Sponsored by the Ministerial Alliance- Talent Stage.
Monday, August 2nd 4:30-6:15 Registration for Little Mister &Miss. 4:00 PM Cattle barn, Poultry & Rabbit Barn set up 5:00 PM. Swine Barn Set Set-up 5:30 PM. Robotics Event- Sesqui Building 6:00 PM. Sheep & Goat Barn set up 6:30 PM. Little Mr. & Miss-Sponsored by El Nopal at the Talent Stage 7:00-9:00 PM. Swim Party-Current 4-H/FFA members & family- Palmyra Parks Public Pool.
Tuesday, August 3rd 2:00 PM Sesqui Building Set-up Exhibitors 2:00 PM. Horses in Place-4H & FFA members only 3:00 PM. 4H/FFA Horse Show 5:30 – 6:00 PM. Sign up for Baby Contest- Talent Stage 5:30 PM. Garden Tractor Pull 5:30 – 7:30 PM. Art Show Registration 6:00 PM. Clover Kids Small Animal Show-Show arena 6:00 –10:00 PM. Carnival Rides-Arm Bands- Pay One Price (Tuesday-Saturday) 6:15 PM. Baby Contest starts- Sponsored by Stout Farms & Golden Ruler Inc, Hometown Signs & Awards and Little Granny’s Closet- Talent Stage 6:30 PM. Tractor Pull- Sponsored by North River Old Iron Club-Arena*No Alcohol.
Wednesday, August 4th 8:00 AM 4-H/FFA Poultry- in Place 9:00 AM. 4-H/FFA Poultry Show 9:00 AM. 4-H/FFA Goats & Sheep – in Place 10:00 AM. Market Goat Weigh-in followed by market Sheep to follow 11:30 AM-1:00 PM. Pee Wee Goat & Sheep registration 1:30 PM. Pee Wee Goat & Sheep Show- Sponsored by: Lewis & Marion County Cattleman, Kyle Mack-Shelter Insurance, Hannibal Farm & Home & Hannibal FFA at the Livestock Barn 3:00 PM. Goat Show 3:00 PM. Rabbits in place show to follow 4:00 PM. Swine & Cattle in place 4:00 – 10:00 PM. Art Show-Floral Hall 5:00 PM. Sheep Show 6:00 –10:00 PM. Carnival Rides-Arm Bands- Pay One Price 6:00 PM. 6:30 PM 4-Wheeler Practice- Arena 8:00 PM. 4-Wheeler Races- Sponsored by Buffy Peters -Arena.
Thursday, August 5th 8:00 AM Market Swine Show weigh in 8:00 AM. Bacon Check In Sesqui- Juding at 9AM 10:00 AM. Market Beef weigh in or following Swine 3:00 – 6:30 PM. Super cross Sign-in – Arena 4:00 PM. Swine Show 4:00 PM. Art Show- Floral Hall 4:30 PM. Country Cured Ham check in Sesqui Building 5:00 PM. Pedal Power Sign up-Talent Stage 5:30 PM. Cured Ham Judging 6:00 –10:00 PM. Carnival Rides-Arm Bands- Pay One Price 6:30 PM. Super cross practices- Arena 7:00 PM. Pedal Powered Tractor Pull- Sponsored by Palmyra Young Farmers, B&S Insurance along with Auto-Owners Insurance, North River Old Iron Club-Talent Stage 8:00 PM. Super cross Races- Sponsored by Buffy Peters Arena.
Friday, August 6th 10:00 AM 4H/FFA Beef Show/Breeding/Market SteersHeifers/Showmanship 12:00-1:30 PM. Pee Wee Registration 1:30 PM. Pee Wee Calf Show-Livestock barn 4:00 – 10:00 PM. Art Show-Floral Hall 5:00 PM. Sign-in for Demolition Derby- Arena 6:00 –10:00 PM. Carnival Rides-Arm Bands- Pay One Price 7:30 PM. Demolition Derby- Sponsored by Palmyra Jaycees- Beer Garden- Arena.
Saturday, August 7th 8:00 AM Antique Tractor Poker Run-Sponsored by the North River Old Iron Club- by Floral Hall 8:30 AM. Awards-Scholarship, Farm Family, Herdsman, Clean Barn 9:00 AM Livestock Sale 12:00 PM Sesqui Building & Barn clean up following sale: No Earlier 11:00 AM Horseshoe Tournament sign up 12:00 PM Horseshoe Tournament by Men’s Ball Field 1:00 PM Tractor Games- Sponsored by North River Old Iron Club- by the lake 6:00 – 10:00 PM Art Show-Floral Hall 6:00 –10:00 PM Carnival Rides-Arm Bands- Pay One Price 6:30 PM Truck & Tractor Pull- Sponsored by Palmyra Young Farmers- Arena 7:00 PM Amateur Talent Contest.
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