Air Force Thunderbirds to Perform Over Missouri in July of 2024
If you've never seen the United States Air Force Thunderbirds perform, you'll get your chance in Missouri during the summer of 2024.

The Air Force Thunderbirds made the announcement of their 2024 season on their official Facebook page today. Look close enough and you'll see a Missouri date in the summer months.
In case you can't see the small Facebook status update print, the Air Force Thunderbirds will perform at (or I should say "over") Whiteman Air Force Base July 13 and July 14, 2024.
My family saw the Thunderbirds fly over Grand Junction, Colorado back in the summer of 2015. Their practice runs over the city were awe-inspiring. It's really hard to describe the roar of those F-16's to someone who has not experienced them live.
I realize that Top Gun features Navy pilots, but seeing the Thunderbirds is about as close as you're gonna get to being Maverick and that chance happens in Missouri July of 2024.
Make sure to follow the Air Force Thunderbirds on their Facebook page for updates. This is one performance you won't want to miss.
Cheyenne Frontier Days-Thunderbirds
Gallery Credit: Debbie Martinez Photography