Your dog will no longer be discriminated against by what breed they are in Illinois starting in 2024, here is what Illinois is doing to protect your dogs...

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According to an article on, Illinois has a new law that starts in 2024 that will prevent homeowners' and renters' insurance companies from not covering or charging more for your dog based on the dog's breed. In the article, they say...

"A new law aimed at reducing the number of dogs housed in shelters will take effect in Illinois in 2024. The law will prevent homeowners’ and renters’ insurance policies from refusing coverage or charging more for certain breeds of dogs. Right now, companies have used their own discretion to modify or refuse coverage based on the dog’s breed."

To learn more about this law, click here!

Why does this law matter?

The goal of this law is to keep loved and cared-for dogs from ending up in shelters just because their owners are moving to a place that won't cover their breed of dog. The article goes on to mention how housing and insurance policies are the main reasons dogs end up in shelters.

I will say having a dog and trying to find a place to rent in Illinois was tough! I had a 12lb dachshund and it was so hard and expensive to find a place that would rent to me with my dog when I moved from Chicago to Quincy. I understand landlords want to protect their investment but that is why it is crucial these companies allow all dogs to be covered in case there is damage caused. Personally, this is a good law in my opinion, insurance companies are there to help people not make them give their dog up just because their type of dog isn't "covered".

RANKED: Here Are the 63 Smartest Dog Breeds

Does your loyal pup's breed make the list? Read on to see if you'll be bragging to the neighbors about your dog's intellectual prowess the next time you take your fur baby out for a walk. Don't worry: Even if your dog's breed doesn't land on the list, that doesn't mean he's not a good boy--some traits simply can't be measured.

Gallery Credit: Sabienna Bowman


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