ILL Church Left in Despair Turned into Beautiful Peaceful Garden
A 19th-Century Chuch in Illinois has an interesting story with a happy ending to it.

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Known as the ghost church the Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church located on the southside of Chicago (in the Pilsen neighborhood) has an interesting history. Built in 1880, there is not much left of the church. All that remains is the 90-foot bell tower in the front half of the church. The church was left abandoned in 1956 and was devastated by a massive fire and a few wind storms in Chicago and all that remains is the bell tower. The current owner tries to make the remaining parts of the church in tack by turning the back end of the church into a peaceful garden.
There are plans to turn the space into some sort of art studio, but the current owner has not moved forward with those plans. From the pictures, it does have an eerie feel to the church. It's a really unique piece of history that is left standing with some of the items on the bell town wall, and not turned into a peaceful place for people to visit and enjoy.
I hope that another storm or fire won't destroy what is left of this beautiful church.
LOOK INSIDE: Abandoned Illinois Jail with Warden's House on the Property
Illinois Church Left Abandoned with Everything Inside
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