Are you ready for some football? I can't wait for football season to start and whether you cheer on local sports, college or professional there is one thing we all have in common...tailgating
Close your eyes and imagine the best possible log cabin you can think of in Missouri. Now, open them and see what is likely the answer to your dreams and this is one cabin you can really stay in, too.
Forget about high property taxes, high gasoline taxes, higher unemployment than any of our neighbors, a shrinking population, and crime. We've got a cool new official state mushroom!
These creepy little things are in Illinois, spreading rapidly, and carrying a nasty bacteria than can make you become allergic to meat and dairy products...or worse.
Sure, it's cute and fuzzy, but...this particular caterpillar has some defense mechanisms that can be really annoying and painful for any human being who decides to pick it up. Oh, and that's not the only Illinois caterpillar you should be avoiding this summer.
Growing up in Edwardsville, Illinois I recall as a kid being nonplussed about the E’ville high mascot “Tigers”. There were so many other schools that had that same mascot name around the area that it seemed uninspired and boring. Wasn’t there som...