It is Illinois' 201st birthday! Here is all the nice things about Illinois (I promise you these are nice things, not a single bad thing about Illinois will be said...)

Happy Birthday Illinois, I am a born and raised Illinois citizen and I have lived all over this state years in Chicago, the suburbs of Chicago, and now in Central and West Central Illinois. So here is a list of things that are GOOD about Illinois. (No Illinois hate allowed on this it's 201st Birthday) All facts brought to you by Illinois Wikipedia, click here to check it out!

  • Illinois has 3 US presidents who were living in Illinois when elected Lincoln, Grant, Obama. And Illinois is the birthplace of Ronald Reagan so BOOM!
  • Illinois has the 5th largest economy in the US, so TAKE THAT INDIANA!
  • Illinois has access to the Mississippi River AND Lake Michigan
  • Illinois has Chicago, which is an Alpha City, and the 3rd largest city in the USA with more Skyscrapers then any city in the US but NYC.
  • Illinois is where McDonald's is headquartered
  • Illinois has the 6th most people of any state...(For now)
  • Illinois is where Walt Disney, Harrison Ford, John Deere, Bill Murray, and Robin Williams were all born!

Listen I could go on and on and on and on and on about how we all love Illinois, and it is amazing!!! But I think I have shown the perfect amount of love for my home state on its 201st Birthday, we can go back to showing it its normal amount of love tomorrow. Follow me on Twitter @MarkHespen and Instagram @MarkHespen.

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