Daylight Saving Time Begins, But Should It?
None of the conventional wisdom on the origins of Daylight Saving Time hold true anymore. It was never started to benefit either farmers or the train schedule. We lose sleep. And there are no energy savings. All we get are annoying reminders from some guy named Brodie on the radio (that would be me) about how it's time to set your clocks back. We just go along with it, despite not knowing why we should. It's just a thing we accept as a given. But everyone from National Geographic to Last Week Tonight with John Oliver to even Buzzfeed have debated the merits of Daylight Saving Time.
Personally I think we should get rid of it. At best it's a minor annoyance that we don't really need in our lives. Let's do away with it. It's an election year. Toss it on the ballot. Yay or Nay, we get rid of DST. Daylight Saving Time ends the Sunday before election day this year. So... DST ends, we vote on whether to keep it or not. If we decide to get rid of it, we wash our hands of DST forever. Never to change our clocks again.