With this week's high temps, I am sure you're not thinking about winter coats and snow. However according to the Farmer's Almanac we could be headed into a harsh winter.

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It looks like that the Midwest will be in for a winter stormy season this upcoming winter. The Farmer's Almanac says,

Winter’s chill will start gradually. In January, temperatures will start out mild for much of the country but will trend toward colder conditions during the middle to latter part of the month. But overall, the month will be stormy...

The Great Lakes, Midwest, and Ohio Valley will have more than their fair share of cold and flaky weather in January...

So, it might be just a normal winter for the Tri-States cold and snowy, what we all expect in the Midwest. The only good thing about winter is that I get to wear my cute winter clothes and boots, so if it has to snow in order for me to break out the winter gear then bring it on...I guess.

Just thinking about winter make me shiver, as much as I HATE the heat right now, thinking about below 0-degree temps is not something I am ready for. Either way, winter will be here in the upcoming months and no matter how good or bad it wants last long and spring will be back.

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