Where does Illinois land on a ranking of Hardest Working States?
Illinois is full of hard-working men and women, construction workers, first responders, teachers, and the list goes on and on, so where do you think Illinois lands on the list of 2022's Hardest-Working States?
According to the website WalletHub.com, Illinois is the 39th Hardest-Working State in the country this year, on the site they say...
"Americans are hard workers, putting in an average of 1,791 hours per year as of 2021, according to the World Economic Forum. That’s 442 hours per year more than Germans work, but 337 fewer than Mexicans do...To determine where Americans work the hardest, WalletHub compared the 50 states across 10 key indicators."
Some of those key indicators include average workweek hours, employment rate, annual volunteer hours, and idle youth rate. So why does Illinois come in 39th place? On the site, they rank Illinois 47th in the country in annual volunteer hours and overall 38th place in their direct work factors.
For our readers on the Missouri side of the river, Missouri does better than Illinois it is ranked 29th overall. Still not in the top half, which surprised me, but Missouri didn't rank drastically high or drastically low on any list they show.
To see the full list of rankings for yourself click here!
I will say this list is a frustrating one...There are a ton of good hard-working folks here in the Land of Lincoln that I know for a fact work long hours, weekends, holidays, and do volunteer a ton. So to see Illinois this low on the list I think is an unfair judgment of this state, do you agree?