Arriving home from work yesterday I found my youngest son Quididdle all fizzy about what had gone on in our backyard earlier in the day.

Upon retrieving our garbage can from the curb he heard a ruckus from a family of crows in the rear of the backyard. Checking on the situation, he found a Barred owl perched in the tree line along the back fence. Usually this causes all the neighborhood critters to freeze in place, or scramble for cover and then freeze in place.

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Quididdle noticed that instead of an eerie calm, everything was amped up. That’s when he spied a neighborhood squirrel climbing the wood pile and scurrying along the fence to a utility pole. The squirrel ascended the pole and began power line walking ever closer to the owl. Being cheered on, or vociferously warned by all the other critters.

Presented with this odd occurrence of backyard brazenness, my son assumed he was about to witness a quick strike flurry of feathers and fur with the neighborhood owl teaching a lesson to the cheeky rodent with brass cojones, and to everyone else looking on.

Instead, he was astounded to see this squirrel take the owl by surprise and playfully challenge it. Tail flicking all around, chattering at the giant eyed predator.   **Fun Fact** January 21 is National Squirrel Day. The owl did nothing. Just watched motionless. Quididdle surmised the owl had to be in observation of the “holiday” and stood down.

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After a bit, the squirrel, unable to cajole the owl to squirrely shenanigans retraced his steps down to the fence and ran off. Quididdle knew he’d witnessed an anomaly and that it’s believability was to be difficult without evidence. Or, as we like to say in the 21st century, “Pics or it didn’t happen”.

Upon returning to the backyard later in the day he got that second chance to capture the moment. Astonishingly the squirrel decided to press its luck a second time. Followed the same path and approached the owl to tempt fate again….

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The owl amazingly again held its position and did not attack the encroaching squirrel, or even fly off to end the situation non confrontationally. This led to the squirrel sidling up next to the owl and the two just chilling out for a spate.

Quididdle wouldn't miss the chance this time. Grabbing the tablet from inside he quickly snapped a pic of the two unlikely branch pals on National Squirrel Day.


It’s kind of blurry. But it’s there. A squirrel, right next to an owl. Perched on a tree branch in backyard Illinois just spending time together.

Now, go write the children’s book about this episode. Just remember to credit Quididdle for witnessing, capturing the image and recounting the story.

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