Thanks To COVID-19, No Gus Macker Basketball This Weekend
It was going to be the finale of a wonderful event that usually kicked off the summer season, but it won’t be happening this year. This Memorial Day weekend one would normally hear hundreds of basketball bouncing on the pavement of the streets in downtown Quincy with the annual Gus Macker Basketball Tournament, but like many activities this year, the Coronavirus has called a prolonged time-out for the event.
For 29 years the Quincy Exchange Club has run the event and this year was to be the 30th and final event in Quincy. So rather than just let the event just fade away forever from the streets of Quincy without a proper sendoff, the Exchange Club has decided to reschedule the 30th tournament for Memorial Day weekend next year.
For the Exchange Club, The Gus Macker Basketball Tournament has been its major fundraiser which has helped the club funnel thousands of dollars back into the community. So why are they giving it up? It is no secret that the team totals have been declining over the last few years and the club has decided to turn its attention to their Field of Honor and Flags of Honor promotions as new fundraising events to replace Gus Macker.
The Exchange Club actually decided three years ago that the 2020 edition of the tournament would be its last in Quincy in hopes some other organization would want to continue it. Unfortunately, as of this date, that has not happened.
Rather than just end the long standing event at 29 years, the Exchange Club has decided to hold the 30th and final year next year on May 22 and May 23 of 2021. It has been a great run, but even runs have to end eventually and this one will next year.