
What Would You Do If You Weren’t Doing What It Is You’re Doing?
What Would You Do If You Weren’t Doing What It Is You’re Doing?
What Would You Do If You Weren’t Doing What It Is You’re Doing?
I have people ask me all the time what job I would be doing if the radio thing hadn't worked out. Couple things worth mentioning...first of all, I can almost see the gleam of hope in their eye that I'm about to go do another job so they can once again listen to KICK-FM again without my constant babble. Second, there is no certifiable proof that this radio thing has ever worked out.
JWCC Career Fair This Saturday
JWCC Career Fair This Saturday
JWCC Career Fair This Saturday
John Wood Community College is holding a career fair, this Saturday (4/14), at the College Workforce Development Center, at 4220 Koch's Lane in Quincy.  The event starts at 10 am. KICK-FM has been hired by JWCC to be there, with our live broadcast from 9 to 11 am...