There have been a lot of inventions and inventors to come out of the great state of Missouri, but one website has tried to put together a list of 10 inventions from Missouri that changed the world, and the list of inventions is fascinating.

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Get our free mobile app just came out with a really fascinating list called 10 Changes and Inventions Missouri Contributed to the History of the World, you can see the list for yourself by clicking here! Let me start by saying is a terrific website, they have a bunch of great stuff on there about every state in the country, but I want to focus on the top choice on this list.

The invention at the top of the list is none other than Pancake Mix, on the site they say...

"Making pancakes from scratch became unnecessary after the invention of pancake mix, which occurred right here in St. Joseph in 1889. Known today as the Pearl Milling Company, the original company was called Aunt Jemima Milling Company."

First off, I had no idea pancake mix was invented in Missouri so that is cool BUT how could you not choose Budweiser as the top of the list for Missouri Inventions that contributed to the history of the world, without the king of beers who knows where the world would be, definitely worse off than it is right now...

In all seriousness, this is a cool list that features likes like the Lear Jet, Ice Cream Cones, the Microchip and so much more. But there was no Budweiser on this list and that is a shame...

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