New Silverback Gorilla Ready to Meet Guests at Illinois Zoo
The Brookfield Zoo is ready to introduce its new silverback gorilla to guests.
Jontu, a 26-year-old silverback gorilla who has been at the Brookfield Zoo since February is now ready to meet visitors. He has been slowly getting used to his new family and caretakers at the zoo and now you can see him. Jontu joins an all-female gorilla family Binti, 34; Koola, 27; Kamba,18; Nora, 9; and Ali, 4.
Jontu came from the St. Louis Zoo back in February when the Brookfield Zoo and the St. Louis Zoo switch gorillas recommended by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.
There comes a time in a male gorilla’s life, when it’s time for him to leave his natal group. In some instances, adolescent male gorillas, known as blackbacks, may be solitary before seeking out females to form their own families.
Zachary a 7-year-old western lowland gorilla was transferred to the St. Louis Zoo to have more of a bachelor pad along with Joe, 25, and Bakari, 18, at Jungle of the Apes. Both Jontu and Zachary seem to be doing well in their new environments and are loved by all who take care of them and I am sure all who visit and learn from them.