I have a massive restaurant bucket list that continues growing, and I have added two more.

Love Food listed "Bucket-List Restaurants in Every State," and Missouri has two on the list, and neither of them has anything to do with BBQ. Should you scratch your head and wonder why? Properly. How can you have a bucket restaurant and none of them sell BBQ? It's just weird.

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Missouri Bucket List Restaurants

Well, not to the experts at Love Food. They place two very different restaurants to add to your bucket list. 'Louie' located in Clayton focuses on classic Italian food, and pizza, a known to be a place to hang out and detox from your day. The menu caters to everyone.

Guests love the Margherita pizza and the chitarra spaghetti, but it's hard to go wrong with anything at Louie.

Google Maps/Canva
Google Maps/Canva

The second restaurant on the list might be looked out a bit more upscale. It's called Menya Rui, a Japanese-inspired restaurant that even picky eaters like me would like. Known for its ramen noodle dishes that might be a place to start and then work your way up to something more adventurous.

The signature pork shoyu ramen is the dish for first timers to order.

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I find it very interesting that there is not one BBQ place on the list for Missouri. With famous places like Artuth Bryants, Q39, and Joe's KC BBQ (all of which are amazing, and it's hard to pick one). Maybe that's why they didn't put a BBQ joint on the list, it's all so good there is no possible way you can pick just one.

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Stacker researched U.S. trends and cultural influences to determine the signature side dish from all 50 states that everyone should try once.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

LOOK: Do You Know the Signature Dish in Each State?

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