Kentucky Fried Chicken Museum Is An Actual Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant
Last week I went on a family vacation to Northern Kentucky (suburban Cincinnati) to visit my mom and my sister. We decided to take a day trip to Cumberland Falls.
Since it happened to be the same exit, and I have always wanted to visit, we took a quick detour to visit the Kentucky Fried Chicken Museum in Corbin, Kentucky.
Back story: From June 1983 through August 1985 I worked for Kentucky Fried Chicken at several stores around the Chicago area. The Colonel's "eleven herbs and spices" run through my blood to this day, which is why I have wanted to visit Sanders Cafe where the KFC story got started.
We had a hard time finding the place. It wasn't where I expected it to be (thanks Google Maps on my phone). As we approached a KFC sign, we thought "it would make too much sense to put a Kentucky Fried Chicken next to the Kentucky Fried Chicken Museum."
Sure enough, the KFC is inside the museum. But I decided to enjoy a piece from the outdoor bucket...
In case you never make it to Corbin, Kentucky, here is my photo gallery: