A District in Illinois is ELIMINATING Cops from Schools. why?
The members of a big-time school board in Illinois voted to get rid of cops in schools, and want a more "holistic" take on safety in their schools... Do you think this is a good idea? Here are the details...

According to an article from Chalkbeat.org, the Chicago Board of Education voted to eliminate all police officers that are stationed in schools by the next school year, with hopes of creating a new "holistic" view of safety in schools. The article goes on to say...
"The district’s new school safety policy must instead emphasize more “holistic” approaches to student discipline, such as restorative justice practices, the resolution said. Such practices, which focus on conflict resolution instead of punishment, have replaced sworn officers in some schools over the past few years. The resolution approved Thursday will directly impact the 39 high schools that currently have a total of 57 SROs."
To read more about this decision, click here!
Is this a good idea?
My gut tells me no...Schools need real safety in the modern world in which we live. School shootings have never been more of a threat to kids and you are now taking cops out of schools? It doesn't make sense to me. Everything else in this safety plan is great! Kids should have resources for restorative practices, but also if a student commits a CRIME, a legitimate crime, they need a real punishment. I have a feeling these schools will still be calling the police every day to have an officer come down to deal with some sort of social media crime, violence in schools, drugs in schools, or threats made from a student to a fellow student. Why can't the school districts KEEP cops in schools AND find the funding for more ways of de-escalation and restorative measures? Would you feel good about this if your kid went to these schools?
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