Theeeiiiirrrr bbbbaaaacccckkkkkk! Stink bugs have started to take over the Tri-States (I've seen a ton of them at my house already), so how do you get rid of them without making your house smell.

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They don't call them a stink bug for the flower smells they have, so whatever you do, don't smash them. If you do an odor will be released and it's not something you want to linger in your house. According to, the best way to get rid of nasty insects is through prevention. They like to hide in the fall and winter months in attics and basements and resurface in the spring. Once they get inside your walls they are pretty difficult to remove from the home, unless you want to do some remodeling.

There is a little positive news if they do get into your house or your walls they will not lay eggs and reproduce, so there is no fear of an infestation (see good news), but can reappear if there is a warm few days in the winter. The stink bug that homeowners need to be on the lookout for is the brown marmorated stink bug which won't sting, but if swatted at it will give off that nasty smell. Other than their smell, these unwanted bugs are no harm to humans and pets, they primarily are plant-based eaters so watch your veggie gardens.

These bugs seem to make an appearance each fall and, I've already seen about 30 of them while outside and a few inside my house already. Looks like I'll be making a call to the Bugman to make sure they stay out of my house.

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