Comedy Show Taping In Canton – Disgruntled Clown Has Been Allowed To Come Back
How many of you love to laugh? I do! Which is why I try not to miss an opportunity to see comedians on stage. Typically - I am the loudest one in the room.
When it comes to comedians, it doesn't matter what the subject matter is. It could be a family friendly show, or a "blue night special"...I'll laugh at them all.
With that said, one of the funniest comedians I have seen is Disgruntled Clown. He appeared in Canton over two years ago, and was banned from returning. But, thanks to popular demand, he has been allowed to return to The Canton Comedy Theater on Saturday April1st.
If you do attend, dress well. Disgruntled Clown will be video taping for an upcoming special. And please do not be afraid to laugh. You will not be judged if you laugh at something "off color".
I had an opportunity to speak with Clown recently. What happened to cause him to get banned? How much time does he spend "out of makeup"? Who is opening for Clown this time around? Was the "clown incidents" of October last year one of the greatest marketing plans of all time?
By the way: tickets are still available by calling 573-822-9339. Find out about upcoming shows by liking The Canton Comedy Theater Facebook page.