Call 911 to Help Dog in a Hot Car in Illinois
Summertime is fast approaching, if you see a dog trapped in a hot car legally this is what you are allowed to do.
I am a dog owner, I have an elderly dachshund named Murphy who I rescued 4 years ago. I have had dogs my whole life, and absolutely love dogs, so if you are a dog lover like me, one of the scariest situations you can find yourself in is seeing a dog trapped in a hot car during the summer. Well there are different laws in different states on how to act when you see a dog in need trapped in a hot car. According to the Animal Legal Defense Fund here in Illinois the law is very clear, they said on their website...
"In 19 states, only public officials such as law enforcement and humane officers can legally break into a car to rescue an animal..."
Illinois is one of those 19 states, so they go on to say that calling 911 should always be the first step you take when you see an animal in danger. They also say that in only 8 states (none of which are Illinois, Iowa, or Missouri) are their Good Samaritan laws making it legal for you to break the glass of a car to rescue a dog.
Hearing that I live in a state that doesn't have the Good Samaritan laws protecting civilians to break the glass of a car window to rescue a dog really frustrates me. I really don't see how not every state should have those Good Samaritan laws, what if you call the cops and they can't get there in time?
So legally here in Illinois only public officials has the ability to break open a car window to save an animal. Do you think that we should have the Good Samaritan Law?