August 30th in Illinois Should be Respect Businesses Day
Monday, August 30th in the state of Illinois should be known as "Respect Small Business, and Restaurants Day" let me explain why.
Today (Thursday, August 26th) Illinois Governor JB Pritzker made it clear that starting on Monday, August 30th ALL Illinois residents Vaccinated or Unvaccinated over the age of two will be required to wear masks when they are indoors, according to the Chicago Tribune.
Because of this mask mandate, I believe we should make Monday, August 30th "Respect Small Business, and Restaurants Day" in the state of Illinois. You see starting Monday I am 100% sure (Because we have been through this mask, unmask debate for 18 months now) there will be some small businesses and restaurants that WILL follow the mandate and require you to wear a mask. These businesses are just doing what they have been asked to do from the elected officials, and if you don't agree with their following orders, I would say just respect the business and either mask up or take your business elsewhere.
And I say take your business elsewhere because I am also 100% sure that there will be businesses that DONT follow the mask mandate. And if you aren't comfortable going into a store or restaurant that is unmasked, then I would ask just respect the businesses wishes, and take your shopping to somewhere that fits your comfort level.
In the end it is all about respect. These businesses are continually being put between a rock and a hard place, they are all trying their best to survive while juggling the constant changing mandates from our elected officials.
I am vaccinated, there are businesses that have already been requiring masks whether you are vaccinated or not. I haven't avoided those businesses, but simply followed their wishes while on their property, I feel very comfortable being out in crowds unmasked because I am vaccinated, but in the end it's just about respecting the business. If you have a major problem with a mask mandate fight the people at the top mandating it, try not to shoot the messenger (who is most likely just a resident of one of these small Tri-State communities trying to do what they feel is best for their business).
So lets all just make sure that if you go out shopping or dining on Monday, August 30th in Illinois, and you are masked or unmasked, and walk into a business that is making you mask or not masking, to just respect them, because they are all just trying to survive this thing.