A city in Missouri made the Best Places to Visit in October list
October is here and that means haunted houses, pumpkin patches, and fall vacations? Yes, a travel website put together a list of the best places to travel to this fall and one city in Missouri makes the list, and for good reason too...

According to the travel website called explorenowornever.com, Kansas City, Missouri makes the list of the Best Places to Visit this October. Kansas City is on this list with places like Door County (Wisconsin), Salem (Massachusettes), and Miami. So what about Kansas City makes it so special in October? On the site they say...
"There are more fountains than any other city in the world except Rome; October is a great time to take a fountain tour...one of the city’s most recognizable landmarks is the J.C. Nichols Memorial Fountain, situated near the Plaza...If you are a football fan, you’ll quickly realize Kansas City residents take their Chiefs seriously...The best place to catch a fall game is the Power & Light outdoor venue showcasing the biggest screen outside the stadium."
To see the full list of great places to visit during October here in the United States just click here!
I think fall is the best time to visit great American cities like Kansas City. With temperatures more manageable you can really walk the cities, explore the parks, and not have to take Ubers everywhere because you're sweating your butt off! Do you think Kansas city belongs on the list of best places to visit this October or did the site get it wrong?
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