No, it's not Chicago, but the city that is shrinking quickly can probably blame Chicago for some of its issues. People are leaving Illinois in droves, but which city here in the Land of Lincoln is shrinking the fastest?

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According to the website, the town of Thorntonship is the fastest shrinking city in Illinois. The site took their data straight from the US Census they say, and they say that the smaller towns are the ones that are really in danger of losing people to bigger cities where there are more jobs.

So what is it about Thorntonship that makes it the fastest shrinking city in Illinois, on the site they say...

"This city is one of the many townships in Cook County, Illinois...Thorntonship lost what makes up 1.9% of this city's population and tops the list for the state of Illinois with a population loss of just shy of 3000. This population decline took place in just one year. Nearly 2% of the population were dispersed among the surrounding areas due to unemployment and rising housing prices."

I was unsure of exactly where Thorntonship is located in the Chicagoland area, but if you Google it you'll see it is straight south of downtown Chicago on the Illinois and Indiana border, which is an area that has been struggling in this state for years.

Not every town, city, or area can expect to see growth all of the time, it's not sustainable. But to see massive population declines is scary, and I have no idea how they can turn it around before it is entirely too late.

LOOK: Here's where people in every state are moving to most

Stacker analyzed the Census Bureau's 2019 American Community Survey data to determine the three most popular destinations for people moving out of each state.

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