Where does Missouri rank on the List of Best States for Fall?
A website set out to rank all the states based on how "fantastic" their falls are. States like Vermont and Maine are near the top of the list, but where does the Show-Me State of Missouri land on the list?

Thrillist.com came out with an article titled Every State Ranked by How Fantastic its Fall is, and Missouri finds itself at 20th on the list! On the site they say...
"...a whole lot of gorgeousness to behold along the Missouri River and amid the ample valleys it creates. Plus, the Springfield Oktoberfest is crazy great, and the HOP in the City fest is a must visit: it's a time when Schlafly throws down more than 40 of its brews and cements its status as one of the region’s most consistently underrated breweries."
The top-rated states are Vermont at number one, followed by Minnesota, Colorado, Maine, and Michigan rounding out the top 5. The lowest rated fall states on the list are Alaska, Louisana, Florida, Nevada, and Arizona in last place, which makes sense all of those warm weather states are great if you never want to experience fall, but crappy if you love leaves changing, pumpkin patches, and fall weather.
For our readers on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River, Illinois comes in at 27th on the list. They say that Illinois has good weather at the start of fall but then post Halloween the weather becomes too unpredictable, which is a valid criticism of fall weather in Illinois. All too often growing up in Chicagoland we had snow on the ground for trick or treating. To see the complete list of best states for fantastic falls click here!
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