Things You Can Only See in Hannibal
There are a lot of great and genuinely cool things to see in this world, but some can only be seen in America's Hometown. Here's just a sampler list of some of the things that can only be found in the city of Hannibal.
Mark Twain Memorial Lighthouse
The Mark Twain Memorial Lighthouse makes the top of the list for the amazing fact that it is the only inland lighthouse to be found in the U.S., according to the Mark Twain Museum. This oddly placed monument sits on the top of Cardiff Hill and looks out over the muddy Mississippi and historic Downtown Hannibal. It was erected first in 1935 to commemorate Twain's 100th birthday, the museum says.
Tom and Huck Statue
This statue sits at the north end of Main Street and attracts tourists every summer. It stands as one of the earliest statues in the world depicting fictional characters, so says the Mark Twain Museum.
Kurt ParsonsKurt Parsons National Tom Sawyer Days
If any one thing or event could best define Hannibal, none would get closer than National Tom Sawyer Days. This annual summer celebration around the Fourth of July attracts tourists not only from all over the U.S., but around the globe as well. The days are full of shows, contests, and festivals that have become staples of this true American celebration original only to Hannibal.
Kurt ParsonsKurt Parsons Mark Twain Dinette Root Beer
Sure; you can go get any old root beer from any small town restaurant, but only at the Mark Twain Dinette can you get a frosted mug of sweet homemade one hundred percent genuine root beer! Made on site for decades, this blessed beverage, coupled with the Dinette's homemade onion rings, can only be found and consumed in Hannibal.
Kurt ParsonsKurt Parsons Mark Twain Himself!
Only in Hannibal can you see the wit and wisdom of Samuel Clemens come to life on stage so regularly. Actor Richard Garey brings Twain to life on the stage of Planters Barn Theater after bringing the show all over the country. This act is yet another Hannibal-only feature!
Mark Twain for PresidentMark Twain for President
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