Daylight saving time is closer than you think. As of this writing, it's only weeks away, but many wonder if Missouri will continue to participate in this seasonal time change. The short answer is yes. The long answer is complicated.
Are you a fan of setting your clocks forward in the spring and setting them back in the Fall? More and more people are finally asking the question about whether or not this is a good idea in the first place, but will Missouri ever have the guts to get rid of it? The answer appears to be quite complicated.
Sunday 2:00am we officially change to Central Daylight Time (CDT). Remember - SPRING forward, FALL back.
I am reminded of several things:
"What time is it" does not make me think about time, it makes me think about The Time. Musical group from the 80's featuring Morris Day
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Don't forget to "spring forward" one hour this weekend. The time change takes place at 2 a.m. Sunday morning, so set those clocks forward before you go to bed Saturday night, or if you're still up partying, it's OK to do it then.