Sharks Existed Before Trees
Sharks are older than Trees, its a fact and it's why you should follow these social media pages.
I don't know about you all but I love to have my mind blown! When you're sitting around at work or bored on your couch at home, there is nothing better then something catching your eye when you're endlessly scrolling and it blowing your mind. That is why I HIGHY recommend following these two social media sites that constantly blow my mind.
Sharks are older then Trees, they were around on planet Earth before Trees were, I learned that fact from the Facebook page iflscience, to see the post about sharks being older than trees click here! It is a great Facebook page to follow that does constant articles about things like Sharks being older than Trees, Why you shouldn't eat Icicles, fossil discoveries, and of course space information too. I love to learn new random and exciting things about science and the world we live in, and if you do too follow IFLscience by clicking here!
Now maybe you're trying to cut back on your Facebook time, and you need a break from Facebook (trust me I get that) but you still want to follow something that will constantly blow your mind, then if you're on Instagram or Twitter check out UberFacts. They describe themselves as "the most important things you'll never need to know" and they post stuff like "a male duck is called a drake" and "Chocolate Milk was invented in Jamaica" just a bunch of fun random facts that you'd never think to know! To follow them on twitter click here or Instagram click here.
Start off the new year by blowing your mind a couple times a day!