Quincy Yard Has Perfect Campaign Sign
So it’s election season again, and like it or not, here’s who we have to choose from...
In the blue corner we have Hillary and Bernie who hate each other. There used to be more people on that side that hated each other, but there aren’t anymore. They’ll have to hate each other for a few more weeks until they can like each other again because either have GOT to be better than the other side, right?
And in the red corner we have Donald Trump. Everybody hated him for a while. Some still do. Others don’t. It was a whole big thing. The ones that still do hate him will eventually have to stop hating him to further their own political careers. That, and he’s GOT to be better than the other side, right?
They all talk a lot. Mostly about guns, bathrooms, taxes, and the size of Donald Trump’s “hands”. Some of what they say makes sense. Other stuff becomes internet memes. Some stuff that they don’t say also becomes internet memes. There will be SO MANY INTERNET MEMES!
Now that we’re all on the same page, it’s time to pick your candidate. I mean, technically we have five more months of this crap, but since no amount of media coverage is going to change anyone’s mind about anything moving forward, let’s just have the election now. I got nothing else going on.
While driving through Quincy the other day, I saw plenty of campaign signs encouraging me to “Feel the Bern”...
...and “Make America Great Again”...
...and “H with an arrow through it”.
Oh come on, that one doesn’t even make sense!
But maybe this Quincyan has the right idea...