Move over Roswell, New Mexico there might be a new UFO Capital coming this summer.

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I didn't even know that this was a thing, but apparently, there can be a town in each state known as the state's UFO capital and one small Missouri town could be that for Missouri.

Have you ever heard of Piedmont, Missouri? Yeah, me either. Well, it will become one famous town because it will be named the UFO Capital of Missouri. Piedmont is a small town of just 2,000 people west of Cape Girardeau. and according to Fox 2 Now, the town has had some unique visitors in the past.

Accoaccording to The Missouri Historical Society in 1973 when a basketball team was returning from a tournament, members of the team saw a mysterious light in the sky. As they got closer to Piedmont they once again notice the light in the sky, when they pulled over and investigated more it was not a light that they recognized ever before. It wasn't a plane, or helicopter, especially the way it moved in the sky. The video below goes into more detail as to what the team saw that night.

Since that night, more community members started seeing something in the sky and Fox 2 New showed what some of those images looked like. 2023 will be the 50th Anniversary of the 1973 sighting in Piedmont and the town is celebrating the event in style. If

Do you believe it? If the bill passes to make Piedmont the office UFO Capital of Missouri the town will officially get the title in August.

LOOK: The states with the most UFO sightings

For each state, we’ve also included details of famous UFO sightings in that state. Of note is that almost three-quarters of all UFO sighting reports in the United States occur between 4 p.m. and midnight, and tend to peak between 9 and 10 p.m. Food for thought next time you're out scoping for alien life. Keep reading to see which states have had the most UFO sightings.

Most common words used to describe UFOs from reported sightings

UFOs (unidentified flying objects) have been reported throughout history and people have used similar words to describe them throughout. Stacker culled the National UFO Reporting Center’s top list of UFO descriptors and famous examples of each UFO in history.

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