What is the #1 thing every Kid in St. Louis MUST do?
A website that specializes in everything and anything involving St. Louis, Missouri says they found the #1 thing that every kid in St. Louis MUST do...so, what is it?

According to an article called 25 Things Every St. Louis Kid Must Do on the website stlmag.com, the number one thing that every kid in St. Louis must do is...go to a baseball game at Busch Stadium! A ball game at Busch beat out some incredible things for kids to do like Riding the Slides at the City Museum, Enjoying a Float at Fitz's, and Visit the Gateway Arch. Why is a baseball game at Busch the number one thing on the list? On the site, they say...
"There are few things more memorable than a baby's first Cardinals baseball game at Busch, but if Junior gets restless, head to the Family Pavilion inside the stadium, located on Level 1, between Gates 5 and 6. There, you’ll find a soft play area and play structure, and for older kids, a virtual reality experience and Speed Pitch game. If that’s not stopping a meltdown, maybe a bribe is your best bet, so remember that there’s always the Build-A-Bear in Ford Plaza. 700 Clark."
To see the complete list of the 25 things kids must do in St. Louis, click here!
Did they get it right?
I would say they did get it right for St. Louis kids only...Because if you are from St. Louis there is a 99% chance you are going to be a Cardinals fan and there is nothing better than watching your team at the ballpark. BUT...if you are a kid visiting from out of town and are not a Cardinals fan then you obviously would enjoy a trip to the ballpark but going to the City Museum would be number one for me ahead of the ballpark, the arch, and even the zoo. What is the number one thing for kids to do in St. Louis in your mind?
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Gallery Credit: Aine Givens
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