Midwestern Woman Finds Out She’s Finally Gonna Be a Grandma
There are few moments in life that can compare to finding out you're gonna be a grandma or grandpa. One Midwestern woman waited 17 years before that moment was revealed to her through a surprise gift as a new video shows.

This happened in Indiana a couple weeks ago. Here's the backstory as told by her daughter-in-law:
We gifted my mother-in-law a surprise pregnancy announcement while out to dinner. Her son and I have been dating for 17years with no children. She’s been patiently waiting for this grandchild and her reaction was priceless. The book we gifted was a book she read to her son when he was a baby. We then ended her gift with a baby onesie that says Grandma Magnet! It was perfect!
A 17-year wait? It's no surprise this woman became so emotional.
I thought she might suspect something was going on with the baby book, but it was the onesie that completely gave it away. She is now officially a grandma.
As much as I sometimes despise smartphones and the way these devices seem to have taken over some people's lives, I must admit that their great cameras and convenience mean we get to experience more spontaneous sweet moments like this one.
I have no doubt this lady is gonna be a great grandma. So very happy for her and her now growing family.
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