McDonald’s is Bringing Back a Menu Favorite
After being gone for over 3 years, McDonald's is bring back an all time favorite to its menu!
Fast food giants make changes to their menu's all the time, so much of it is seasonal like the Shamrock Shake, or just for a limited time only at random times of the year like the McRib. But other menu changes are permanent like when Taco Bell eliminated thirteen menu items last year, it was devastating for some of the fans of those Taco Bell items. And then there are these amazing stories like this one from McDonald's where after an item being gone for years, social media pressure and love for the item forces the company to rethink the elimination and bring it back.
McDonald's has announced they are bringing back Hi-C Orange Lavaburst! According to an article from the USA Today, they say...
"Nearly three years after McDonald’s removed Hi-C Orange Lavaburst from the menu, the iconic drink is coming back...The fast-food chain announced Wednesday that Hi-C Orange will begin rolling out in select locations this month and will be in participating restaurants across the country by June."
To see the full article from the USA Today on McDonald's bringing back their iconic soda click here!
Now I have to be honest, I am not a huge fan of the Hi-C Orange Lavaburst, I am a simple McDonald's Coke guy...BUT I love this because it is a win for the internet and the little guys. McDonald's caved into the pressure from the masses on the internet wanting their Hi-C Orange Lavaburst back and McDonald's caved and are bringing it back. That is the most 2021 internet story ever, and I am happy for all of you out there who get your drink back!
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