Mark Twain Home & Museum Reschedules Trivia Night [Interview]
The Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum has rescheduled its third annual Trivia Night fundraiser.
The event was to have taken place last October, but was postponed until Friday, March 28. There's also a change of location, with the trivia night to happen at the Hannibal Nutrition Center.
Team registrations are now being taken. Teams should consist of ten members, and the cost to enter is $100 per team. There will be prizes for the winning team.
KHMO has had a team in the competition the previous two years. We finished third two years ago and tied for second last year. So, this should be our year.
The money raised from trivia night goes to the completion of the permanent exhibits in the Becky Thatcher House. The structural work on the home has been done, and temporary exhibits are in place for public viewing.
Another piece of news from the Mark Twain Museum is the fact that Melissa Cummins has moved over from the Hannibal Area Chamber of Commerce to become Marketing and Community Relations Manager for the home and museum.
Melissa and museum curator and Executive Director Henry Sweets were recent guests on KHMO's Talk Back: