The best anything is almost always subjective. That is likely the case for what many consider the best hot dog in Missouri. Based on several different sources, it appears the best hot dog in the Show Me State comes from a guy named Steve and is largely due to his buns. Wait, that doesn't sound right.

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If you look at Yelp's list of how they rank the best hot dogs in Missouri, you'll see one place near the top of the list. It's Steve's Hot Dogs at 3145 S Grand in St Louis, Missouri.

KMOV in St. Louis via YouTube
KMOV in St. Louis via YouTube

I saw an interesting visit that KMOV in St. Louis had with Steve as he explained that he started with just a food cart where he sold hot dogs outside of concerts. He knew that he would one day need a brick and mortar place to do what he wanted to accomplish and that's how Steve's Hot Dogs was born. As of right now, they have the most positive hot dog reviews on Yelp in the St. Louis area. But why? In the interview, Steve mentions that it has a lot to do with his buns (the hot dog variety) that he gets exclusively from a bakery that no one else has access to.

KMOV in St. Louis via YouTube
KMOV in St. Louis via YouTube

Steve mentioned that one of his favorite hot dog creations involves bacon. Pigs beware.

Is Steve's Hot Dogs in St. Louis really the best hot dog in Missouri? Hard to argue with the success he's found as a self-made entrepreneur.

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